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Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and React

Free Coupon Discount - Go Java Full Stack with Spring Boot and React, Build Your First Java Full Stack Application with React & Spring Boot. Become a Java Full Stack Java Web Developer Now!

4.4 (527 ratings), Created by in28Minutes Official, English



Welcome to this Amazing Course on Full Stack Web Development with React and Spring Boot. This course is designed to be a Perfect First Step as an Introduction to React and Full Stack Development for Java & Spring Developers.

Zero Experience with React and Modern JavaScript?     No Problem.  Start Learning Now!

Look No Further!

******* Some Amazing Reviews From Our Learners *******

★★★★★  This course has helped me understand the end to end SPA design. Well articulated course for someone who wanted to move to fullstack role. Thanks for incorporating JWT as well.

★★★★★ I am new to front end development ,but i can understand the concepts with very nice explanation of Ranga.

★★★★★ This is really an amazing course to get started with react and spring boot. I really loved this course looking forward for more from Ranga :)

★★★★★ Instructor is accessible for any doubts that you have during the course. Thanks a lot for your guidance Ranga.

★★★★★ Great tutor, everything is very well explained and in a good pacing!

★★★★★ Thanks, Ranga for your efforts to design this course with such simplicity and in-depth explanation.

★★★★★ I am good at React (FrontEnd technologies) and I wanted to move to Full Stack Development using Spring Boot. I would say this course is god-sent and is helping me tremendously. Ranga is a very good teacher. Also commendable is the github resource for this course where he has given detailed code for every exercise in this course. Thanks for this wonderful course.

******* Course Overview *******

Developing your first full stack web application with React and Spring Boot is fun.

In this course, you will learn the basics of full stack web development developing a Basic Todo Management Application using React, Spring Boot and Spring Security Frameworks.  You will build the Todo Management Application step by step - in more than 100 steps.

You will be using React (Frontend Framework), Modern JavaScript , Create React App(To create React projects), Java, Spring Boot (REST API Framework), Spring (Dependency Management), Spring Security (Authentication and Authorization - Basic and JWT), BootStrap (Styling Pages), Maven (dependencies management), Node (npm), Visual Studio Code (JavaScript IDE), Eclipse (Java IDE) and Tomcat Embedded Web Server.

We will help you set up each one of these.

React is a view framework providing a great deal of flexibility in integrating with a wide range of frameworks to provide a wide range of features. Spring Boot is an awesome Java framework to build RESTful API and Microservices. Lets combine these frameworks and create an awesome java full stack web application.

******* What You Can Expect from Every in28Minutes Course *******

in28Minutes created 20 Best Selling Courses providing Amazing Learning Experiences to 250,000 Learners across the world.

Each of these courses come with

✔ Amazing Hands-on Step By Step Learning Experiences

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~~~ Here are a Few Reviews on The in28Minutes Way ~~~

★★★★★ Excellent, fabulous. The way he has prepared the material and the way he teaches is really awesome. What an effort .. Thanks a million

★★★★★ A lot of preparation work has taken place from the teacher and this is visible throughout the course.

★★★★★ This guy is fantastic. Really. Wonderful teaching skills, and goes well out of his way to make sure that everything he is doing is fully understood. This is the kind of tutorial that gets me excited to work with a framework that I may otherwise not be.

★★★★★ The best part of it is the hands-on approach which the author maintained throughout the course as he had promised at the beginning of the lecture. He explains the concepts really well and also makes sure that there is not a single line of code you type without understanding what it really does.

★★★★★ I also appreciate the mind and hands approach of teaching something and then having the student apply it. It makes everything a lot clearer for the student and uncovers issues that we will face in our project early.

★★★★★ Amazing course. Explained super difficult concepts (that I have spent hours on the internet finding a good explanation) in under 5 minutes.

Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!

******* Step By Step Details *******

Getting Started with React - Basics with Components

01 Step 01 - Understanding Full Stack Application Architecture

01 Step 02 - Using Create React App to Create and Launch a React Application

01 Step 03 - Importing React App into Visual Studio Code

01 Step 04 - Exploring React Project Structure

01 Step 05 - Introduction to React Components

01 Step 06 - Playing with React Class Components

01 Step 07 - Introduction to Function Components in React

01 Step 08 - Exploring JSX Further - Babel and more

01 Step 09 - Refactoring components to individual modules and Quick Review of JavaScript Modules

01 Step 10 - Exercise - Creating seperate modules for other components

Next Steps with React - Building Counter Application

02 Step 01 - Introduction to Section - Building Counter Application

02 Step 02 - Creating Basic React Counter Component

02 Step 03 - Adding a Button and a Counter to the React Counter Component

02 Step 04 - Handling click event on the increment button

02 Step 05 - Adding State to a React Counter Component

02 Step 06 - Understanding React - Behind the scenes - Virtual Dom

02 Step 07 - Understanding setState and Using Arrow Functions to avoid this binding

02 Step 08 - Defining Inline Javascript CSS in JSX

02 Step 09 - Defining Multiple Counter Buttons and Adding a Component Prop

02 Step 10 - Understanding React Component Props - Default Value and Type Constraints

02 Step 11 - Using React Developer Tools Chrome Plugin

02 Step 12 - Moving State Up - Refactoring to Counter and Counter Button Components

02 Step 13 - Moving State Up - Adding state to Counter Component

02 Step 14 - Best Practice - Using Previous State in setState

02 Step 15 - Adding Decrement Buttons and Reset Button

02 Step 16 - Quick Review of the Counter Example

Combining Spring Boot and React to Build Full Stack Todo Management Application

03 Step 01 - Introduction to Todo Management App

03 Step 02 - Getting Started with Login Component

03 Step 03 - Understanding React Controlled Component - Adding State to Login Component

03 Step 04 - Refactoring to Common Change Event for Multiple Form Elements

03 Step 05 - Adding Hardcoded Authentication to Login Component

03 Step 06 - Understanding Conditional Rendering with && in React JSX

03 Step 07 - Implementing Routing for Login and Welcome Components with React Router

03 Step 08 - Implementing Routing from Login to Welcome Component

03 Step 09 - Adding an Error Component for Invalid URIs

03 Step 10 - Adding Route Parameter for Welcome Component

03 Step 11 - 01 - Creating a Basic React List Todo Component

03 Step 11 - 02 - Adding a Link from Welcome to Todo Page and New Todo Attributes

03 Step 12 - Adding Bootstrap Framework and Creating Components for Header and Footer

03 Step 13 - Using Bootstrap to Create a Menu with Navigation Links

03 Step 14 - Enhancing Footer and Creating Logout Component

03 Step 15 - Styling Login, List Todo and Other Components with CSS and Bootstrap

03 Step 16 - Using Session Storage to Store User Authentication Token

03 Step 17 - Implementing Logout to remove User Authentication Token

03 Step 18 - Enabling Menu Links Based on User Authentication Token

03 Step 19 - Securing Components using Authenticated Route

03 Step 20 - Refactoring React Components into JavaScript Modules

03 Step 21 - Quick Review - Routes, Authenticated Route and Components

Getting Started with Spring Boot REST API Services

03 Step 22 -- What is a Web Service?

03 Step 23 -- Important How Questions related to Web Services

03 Step 24 -- Web Services - Key Terminology

03 Step 25 -- Introduction to RESTful Web Services

03 Step 26 -- Initializing a RESTful Services Project with Spring Boot

03 Step 27 -- Creating a Spring Boot Hello World Service

03 Step 28 -- Enhancing the Spring Boot Hello World Service to return a Bean

03 Step 29 -- Quick Review of Spring Boot Auto Configuration and Dispatcher Servlet - What's happening in the background?

03 Step 30 -- Enhancing the Hello World Service with a Path Variable

Connecting Spring Boot REST API with React Frontend

03 Step 31 - Connecting React with Restful API - 1 - Preparing Welcome Page

03 Step 32 - Connecting React with Restful API - 2 - Understanding Axios HTTP Cleint Framework and Promises

03 Step 33 - Connecting React with Restful API - 3 - Running React App on Port 4200

03 Step 34 - Connecting React with Restful API - 4 - Adding Axios and Creating HelloWorldService

03 Step 35 - Connecting React with Restful API - 5 - Allow Cross Origin Requests From Spring Boot

03 Step 36 - Connecting React with Restful API - 6 - Quick Review

03 Step 37 - Calling Hello World Bean JSON API from React Frontend

03 Step 38 - Calling Hello World HTTP Service with Path Variables

03 Step 39 - Handling API Error Responses in React Frontend

03 Step 40 - Designing RESTful Services for Todo Resource

03 Step 41 -- Creating Spring Boot REST API for retrieving Todo List

03 Step 42 - Connecting React Frontend with Todo List RESTful Service

03 Step 43 - Understanding Important React Lifecycle Methods

03 Step 44 -- Creating Spring Boot REST API to delete a Todo - 1 - Create DELETE Request Method

03 Step 45 -- Creating Spring Boot REST API to delete a Todo - Execute DELETE Request Method

03 Step 46 - Adding Delete Todo Feature to React Frontend

03 Step 47 - Creating Todo Component and Handle Routing

03 Step 48 - Designing Todo Form with moment, Formik and Bootstrap

03 Step 49 - Initializing and Handling Form Submit with Formik

03 Step 50 - Implementing Form Validation with Formik

03 Step 51 - Creating Retrieve Todo Spring Boot API and Connecting React

03 Step 52 -- Creating Spring Boot REST API for Updating Todo - PUT Request Method

03 Step 53 -- Creating Spring Boot REST API for Creating a Todo - POST Request Method

03 Step 54 -- RESTful Web Services - Best Practices

03 Step 55 - Implementing Update Todo Feature in React Frontend

03 Step 56 - Implementing New Todo Feature in React Frontend

Getting Started with Spring Security and Basic Auth

03 Step 57 -- Overview of Security with Basic Auth and JWT

03 Step 58 -- Setting up Spring Security

03 Step 59 -- Configure standard userid and password

03 Step 60 - Enhancing React Welcome Data Service to use Basic Auth

03 Step 61 -- Configure Spring Security to disable CSRF and enable OPTION Requests

03 Step 62 - Creating React Axios Interceptor to add Basic Auth Header

03 Step 63 - Remove Hard Coding of User Credentials

03 Step 64 -- Create Basic Authentication RESTful Service in Spring Boot

03 Step 65 - Enhance React Frontend to use Basic Auth API to Validate Login Credentials

Getting Started with JWT

03 Step 66 -- Introduction to JWT

03 Step 67 - Importing JWT Framework into Eclipse

03 Step 68 - Quick Tip - Resolving JWT Compilation Errors

03 Step 69 -- Executing JWT Resources - Get Token and Refresh Token

03 Step 70 -- Understanding JWT Spring Security Framework Setup

03 Step 71 -- Creating a New User with Encoded Password

03 Step 72 - Using JWT Token in React Frontend

03 Step 73 - Best Practice - Use Constants for URLs and Tokens

Integrating with the Backend using JPA and Hibernate

03 Step 74 -- Setting up Todo Entity and Populating Data

03 Step 75 - Connecting React with GET REST APIs connected to JPA Repository

03 Step 76 - Connecting POST, PUT and DELETE REST APIs to JPA Repository

03 Step 77 - Connecting React Frontend with JPA POST, PUT and DELETE REST APIs

Spring Boot in 10 Steps

Introduction to Spring Boot in 10 Steps

Step 01 - Introduction to Spring Boot - Goals and Important Features

Step 02 - Developing Spring Applications before Spring Boot

Step 03 - Using Spring Initializr to create a Spring Boot Application

Step 04 - Creating a Simple REST Controller

Step 05 - What is Spring Boot Auto Configuration?

Step 06 - Spring Boot vs Spring vs Spring MVC

Step 07 - Spring Boot Starter Projects - Starter Web and Starter JPA

Step 08 - Overview of different Spring Boot Starter Projects

Step 09 - Spring Boot Actuator

Step 10 - Spring Boot Developer Tools

First 10 Steps in JPA with H2 in-memory database

Introduction to JPA in 10 Steps

Step 01 - Object Relational Impedence Mismatch - Understanding the problem that JPA solves

Step 02 - World before JPA - JDBC, Spring JDBC and myBatis

Step 03 - Introduction to JPA

Step 04 - Creating a JPA Project using Spring Initializr

Step 05 - Defining a JPA Entity - User

Step 06 - Defining a Service to manage the Entity - UserService and EntityManager

Step 07 - Using a Command Line Runner to save the User to database.

Step 08 - Magic of Spring Boot and In Memory Database H2

Step 09 - Introduction to Spring Data JPA

Step 10 - More JPA Repository - findById and findAll

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