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Master Laravel PHP in 2019 for Beginners and Intermediate

Master Laravel PHP in 2019 for Beginners and Intermediate
Online Courses Udemy - Master Laravel PHP in 2019 for Beginners and Intermediate
Get from zero to proficiency in Laravel PHP Framework in one week! Course for beginners and intermediate students! | Created by Piotr Jura


What you'll learn
  • Master Eloquent, Controllers, Views and all the basics
  • Advanced features like Queues, Polymorphic relationships, Service Container
  • Learn all the theory while building a real application as you progress!
  • Setting up PHP with Apache on Windows and Mac
  • How to use Visual Studio Code effectively
  • Routes and Controllers
  • Laravel Tinker - command line playground to Laravel
  • Blade templates
  • Blade componenets
  • Creating Forms, CSRF tokens
  • One to One, One to Many, Many to Many relationships
  • Polymorphic relationships
  • Testing
  • Local and Global Eloquent Query Scopes
  • Database migrations
  • Database seeding and factories
  • Authentication (Guard)
  • Authorization (Policies and Gates)
  • Authorization
  • Caching
  • How to use queues
  • Files and file uploads
  • How to send e-mails
  • Observers, Events, Listeners and Subscribers
  • Localization
  • Services, Service Container, Contracts and Facades
  • Using Traits in Laravel - SoftDeletes and creating your own!

  • Basic PHP and Object Oriented Programming understanding

Learn Laravel with this brand new course covering Laravel from A-Z for beginners!

So far I've created 3 courses on Udemy and all of them were about Symfony. I have 7500+ happy students and my courses are Best Sellers in the Symfony category. It's time for a new, detailed as no other Laravel course on Udemy!

Laravel is becoming the most popular choice among PHP developers these days. It's easiest to start with, most fun to use and very performant tool and ecosystem of tools, that just let's you get the job done.

Let's be honest, Web Development became Rocket Science. Before you set up your environment, all the required libraries, tools and settings - it can be a week before you can write a "Hello World" program. Laravel is different. It just works. Out of the box, with sensible defaults. It let's you use all modern techniques and tools of Web Development with ease. Let's see:

Sending E-mails? Checked

Service Container? Checked

Queues and Background Processing? Checked

Web Sockets? Checked

Powerful Database Abstraction? Checked

Database Migrations? Checked

Database seeding (generating fake data)? Checked

Powerful MVC abstraction? Checked

Powerful Filesystem abstraction (local file system, Amazon S3)? Checked

Caching (Redis, Memcached)? Checked

Handling sessions? Checked

Serializing to JSON? Checked

Authentication (User Registration, Logging in)? Checked

Authorization (User Permissions)? Checked

Event based applications? Checked

The best thing about that is this is not only a powerful framework, it's actually easy to use and understand, even by beginners. I've created this course with beginners in mind. I explain the topics the way, that you only learn about something when you are ready for it. It's not overwhelming, we will cover the topics in a very specific order, so when you will start a new topic, you will already know everything to understand the concept at hand perfectly.

Let's have a break with me talking and see what my current students have to say about my courses (those are real reviews of my courses publicly visible here on Udemy!):


"Amazing course! In-depth explanations, perfect talking pace, talks slow and is direct to the point. I had no previously knowledge in Symfony before starting, and this course gave me the confidence to start developing real world apps using Symfony. You will learn a lot of the Symfony framework, and some other cool techniques like Ajax Calls, Testing, Server configuration and Continous Deployment of your code."


"This is a Fantastic Course for Symfony exceeds expectations !!

Piotr is an experienced, knowledgeable and serious developer.

This course not only helped me to learn the inner workings of Symfony but also improve my OO php syntax, improve on git, get a better understanding of development stages, introduced me to cloud deployment ... even CI.CD.

From where I stand as a beginner, is a mini MVC developer course.

Couldn't recommend it enough.

You will certainly learn.

Thanks Piotr."


"Did the instructor write Symfony? He is very very knowledgeable."


"This guy is by far the best instructor I've ever come across. I took his other Symfony 4 course and advanced my understanding of the Framework more in a week than I have in the past year.

This course has filled a ton of gaps. He understands the complex learning curve and it's relationship to the content he covers thoroughly... a rarity in teaching, never mind coding complex Frameworks.

Just stick with the course.. you'll have that "Aha!" moment.

I'm working on my own Symfony 4 Framework based project(s) as I take this course... between Piotr, Github, and Google... its getting done!

Two of the most effective courses I've ever taken. I can't wait for what he puts out next."

I think it's the right time to give the same experience to anyone wanting to learn Laravel!

If you don't want to waste your time, this 27+ hours course would be the most productive week you will spend. I'm sure you will feel very comfortable with Laravel after that time.

Now, I'll be honest with you guys - I'm not a very talkative person. I only say what needs to be said. I won't be wasting any of your time. What I mean, is that this 27+ hours is what I think you need, no more, and no less.

Take a look at the curriculum, see some free preview videos. If for any reason you will be unhappy with your purchase, there is a 30 day Money Back Guarantee (No questions asked!).

Who this course is for:
  • Any Novice PHP developer without previous framework exposure
  • Anyone who knows other PHP frameworks and would like to learn Laravel

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