Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML and CSS3

Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML and CSS3
Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML and CSS3
The easiest way to learn modern web design, HTML5 and CSS3 step-by-step from scratch. Design AND code a huge project.

  • Created by Jonas Schmedtmann
  •  English
  •  English, French [Auto-generated], 9 more


*** The #1 HTML5 and CSS3 course in the official Udemy rankings! ***

"Having gone through other related courses on other platforms, I can say this course is the most practical and readily applicable course on web design and development I have taken." — Bernie Pacis


Are you looking for the best way to learn how to build beautiful websites with HTML5 and CSS3? That even look great on your phone?

Have you taken other HTML and CSS courses, but still wonder how to code a real world website, not just some basic examples?

If your answer is a big YES... Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!


So why is this course so unique and popular?

Reason #1: The course is completely project-based

Together we hand-code a beautiful and responsive landing page for a fictional company that I made up just for the course. Step-by-step, you will learn more and more HTML5 and CSS3 features, from beginner to advanced. These are the latest web technologies, used by every website in the world. And we even added some jQuery to the mix.

This huge project will teach you all the real-world skills to build real-world HTML5 and CSS3 websites. This will allow you to build any website you can imagine... From complete scratch.

Reason #2: You will not just learn how to code

Coding is great, but it's not everything that matters. That's why we will go through the entire process of building and launching our website project. This includes designing, coding, planning, writing clean and organized code, website optimization, best practices, and so much more.

Designing is really, really important. Have you seen all these beautiful and modern websites lately? Great! Because I will show you how it's done. And not just in theory, but also in practice. This is the only course on the market which focuses on both coding and designing, together.

Reason #3: You walk away with a ready-to-launch website

By the end of the course, you will have a complete, ready-to-launch website that looks great on any computer, tablet and smartphone. Of course you get the entire code and all the images and graphical assets that I designed especially for the course as a free download.

Please check out the promo video to see the final website.

Reason #4: I make HTML5 and CSS3 easy and fun

With the right guidance, HTML5, CSS3 and responsive web design are really easy to learn and use in the real world. With a bunch of random tutorials and YouTube videos? Not so much. That's why I structured this training around a cool and complete project that's fun to code.

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